Hormone Issues

Hormone Issues

Imagine a country with 60 trillion people in it. How is it governed? What kind of governmental system can keep this country in order? There are so many factors to consider. We would all agree that it would require a lot of order to avoid chaos.

Our body is much more efficient than any government, with incredible systems in place to govern itself. The body maintains itself by utilizing the order established by the endocrine system. The endocrine system is composed of glands that are strategically placed throughout the body, from the brain to the ovaries in women, or the testes in men. These glands work to maintain order and to help with development, growth, and metabolism. They work to regulate internal temperature, body energy distribution, mood, immune system, nutrient distribution, appetite control, detoxification of our body, regulating water content in the body, heart rate, sex drive and every organ’s activity. The physiology of the body is affected by the proteins that these glands produce, called hormones, which contain messages. Hormones also regulate each other.

All these messages begin in the pituitary gland in the brain, which produces five different kinds of hormones.

  • The thyroid and the parathyroid produce three different kinds of hormones that regulate temperature and control calcium in the blood and bones.
  • The thymus gland produces hormones that are involved in the development of the immune system and stimulation.
  • The pancreas produces insulin hormones and glucagon to regulate blood sugar levels and to transport glucose to the cells.
  • Adrenals produce cortisol to raise blood sugar levels, suppress inflammatory reactions, stimulate mental alertness, and to suppress the immune system.
  • The ovaries produce estrogen and progesterone, both of which are involved in a series of processes for reproduction. The testes in men regulate testosterone and maintain male sexual characteristics.

All these hormones communicate with our cells via receptors in the cell membrane.  At this receptor point, the hormone communicates with the cell, initiating a cascade of internal cellular activity that alters cellular behavior in specific ways.  Hormones are potent chemicals, whose activities cause a series of events in the cell, beginning at the nucleus and then over the entire cell.

If there is a problem with hormone production it may result in an alteration in cellular behavior.  This altered behavior can be a real problem, creating environmental damage in the tissues and collateral damage to the immune system.  Elevated amounts of any hormone in the blood stream will affect the behavior of other hormones, affecting our health.

This is the case with chronic stress and excess cortisol production.  Any small change in the hormonal system can throw off hormonal balance and lead to physical disorders.  If too much of a hormone is produced, the feedback system (a control within the gland’s and brain’s activity) will contain and correct the problem by producing balance in the hormone system. This is done by signaling the appropriate gland to control the excess production of another hormone.

Glands have the ability to produce a hormone that overrides the excess of another gland by producing the respective hormone.  The key is to have the right amount of all these hormones in the blood stream. A failure of one gland to stimulate another gland and bring it back into balance will create problems in the entire system. Disorders occur if tissues in any gland are damaged due to overproduction or the body’s failure to eliminate the excess. This increase or decrease can affect the entire system.

More than fifty different disorders can occur when the endocrine system is not working well.  We are probably only familiar with a few of them like diabetes, thyroid problems, overweight issues and obesity, polycystic ovaries, low testosterone, osteoporosis, libido problems, etc.  These are only a few of so many.

At the root of the problem are chronic stress, lack of sleep and lack of healthy digestion. Chronic infection and lack of sleep (the body needs a minimum of 7 hours to detoxify) leave large amounts of residual toxins in the body that can interrupt proper hormone function. This mechanism activates so we can maintain a balance in the hormones and in bodily fluids and electrolytes.  Of course, along with this bad situation, these disorders require years of abuse to our bodies before they are fully developed and before they arise to the surface and can be diagnosed.

Some other causes of hormonal disorders:

Cancer, chronic inflammation, pancreatic disorders, thyroid disorders, adrenal disorders, adrenal infections, tumors or malfunctions of other glands, chronic digestive system disorders, and liver problems. Problems with the liver are very serious because this organ produces cholesterol, an important component in hormone production. If the liver is having difficulty, cholesterol production may become limited, creating a problem for hormone production and for removal of excess hormones. This includes detoxifying the excess hormones in the blood stream or removing hormones that are not manufactured correctly.  For example, if the thyroid gland doesn’t produce good hormones, other glands will be affected, altering the quality or quantity of the hormones they produce.

It is important to also understand that any disorder will affect the quality of hormones in the blood stream.  Normally, any healthy cell will not allow these hormones to interact with them, so the body will remove these molecules because they aren’t good for anything. But if any cancerous cell exists in the body, this degenerative cell will use these hormones, attach a receptor to them, and then use them to facilitate tumor growth within the body.

Let us remember that hormone production is a continual activity of the glands.  In some organs, adipose cells are responsible for making hormones to assure that we don’t gain weight. All this is done as a response to internal and external changes in an effort to maintain order and homeostasis. The brain and body will synchronize a series of chemical events within the cell and between other cells to respond to such events, recording information within the nucleus of the cell. As this occurs, nutrients and micronutrients also act internally like hormones within the cell, allowing thousands of chemical reactions per second, ensuring membrane formation, nucleus repair, and thousands of other cell activities that help us maintain our health and also provide the essential trace minerals needed in metabolic processes. Any lack or deficiency will definitely affect the production of hormones and /or the healthy function of gland tissues that are in charge of hormone production.

Another thing for us to know is that neurotransmitter balance and the balance of the endocrine transmitters are dependent upon one another. Any extended neuron circuitry (or the potential for synapse) due to chronic stress will put neuron cells in the brain on alert, activating hormone production to help the body bring itself back into balance.  This is because stress produces an imbalance in the neurotransmitters that can affect bodily function, so this mechanism comes to the rescue. This of course, is designed to be temporary.

Continued imbalance, poor nutrition, lack of sleep, dehydration, lack of essential trace minerals, etc., will all put the body at a disadvantage, creating an inability to regulate and bring order. This will result in a cycle of stress and hormonal imbalance that can affect different hormone producing glands. Another challenge is insomnia, as it limits the body’s ability to remove all the toxins that have built up during the day – remember it takes at least seven hours to detox while you sleep. This affects good communication between healthy tissues and the hormone receptors in the cells, preventing them from responding properly to hormone messengers.

With regard to nutrition, the endocrine system relies on comprehensive support from good eating habits, and good lifestyle choices. Here are some things to keep in mind: eat leafy green vegetables, eat organic produce as much as possible and avoid trigger irritants such as alcohol, cigarettes and caffeine, as these alter blood vessels too. Engage in physical activity of any kind at least 20 minutes, 4 times a week. As a hint here – if you go for a walk and work on the phone during your walk, this doesn’t count as you’re not able to focus.

Remember that hormonal harmony is possible and is dependent upon mental harmony, and that chronic stress precipitates hormonal disorders. Hormones are like a domino game; they are always influencing and controlling each other. Any wrong placement in the game will affect their normal activity, and they in turn, can negatively impact our health by causing the excessive production of cytokines, (a messenger of the immune system), and as such, the immune system will be affected as well. These two systems are very closely connected.

We would like to warn you that synthetic products that are put in food and drink containers exhibit estrogen activities in the body; they are known as xenoestrogens. This will potentially create hormonal imbalance and damage the hormone system.

Phytotherapi is committed to educating and presenting solutions to the public. Our tools include giving the body what it needs so that the body can restore its balance and health. This approach has brought thousands to deal with and improve their health issues.

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