Strawberry Cloud Crepes

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If you’ve never tried using chickpea flour, this recipe is a great one to start out with. Chickpea flour is made by grinding dry chickpeas into a fine flour. The result is a gluten-free option that has more protein than traditional flour. You can find chickpea flour under a few different names including gram flour, besan or garbanzo bean flour. You can find this flour in the health food section of your grocery store or in the gluten free section. If you have a heavy duty wheat grinder you can also make this flour yourself by grinding dry chickpeas.

*This recipe can be used while on the diabetes or weight loss programs Continue reading

Mixed Berries and Spinach Smoothie

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This simple smoothie packs a strong nutritional punch. Filled with essential micronutrients such as antioxidants, this smoothie is an excellent snack option. It’s also a great recipe to begin with if you’re wanting to incorporate more greens into your diet. Enjoy!

*This recipe can be used while on the diabetes or weight loss programs Continue reading

Black Bean Salad with Grilled Cilantro Chicken

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This salad is fresh and citrusy while the chicken is flavorful and savory. This takes a bit of preparation to make sure you give the chicken enough time to marinate, but the results are wonderful. This chicken would also be great over a green salad. Enjoy!

*This recipe can be used while on the diabetes or weight loss programs Continue reading